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Modul Ajar Bahasa Inggris SMP/MTs; Collective Noun

24 Januari 2024   06:58 Diperbarui: 26 Januari 2024   08:36 103 0
The cat on the windowsill _____(purr/purrs) contentedly.
The committee _____(make/makes) decisions based on careful consideration.
The team of researchers _____(study/studies) the effects of climate change.
The group of friends _____(enjoy/enjoys) playing board games together.
The company _____(expand/expands) its operations to international markets.
The herd of buffalo _____(roam/roams) freely on the grassy plains.
The swarm of mosquitoes _____(buzz/buzzes) around the stagnant water.
The team of scientists _____(conduct/conducts) experiments in the laboratory.
The collection of rare coins _____(attract/attracts) collectors from around the world.
The class _____(discuss/discusses) the importance of environmental conservation.
The pack of wolves _____(hunt/hunts) in coordinated efforts to catch prey.
The committee _____(meet/meets) regularly to address community issues.
The family of swans _____(swim/swims) gracefully in the serene pond.
The choir _____(sing/sings) harmoniously during the holiday concert.
The group of students _____(attend/attends) the lecture on astronomy.
The fleet of ships _____(sail/sails) across the vast ocean.
The congregation _____(pray/prays) together for peace and harmony.
The pair of shoes _____(fit/fits) perfectly and feels comfortable.
The orchestra _____(perform/performs) a symphony at the grand theater.
The colony of bats _____(fly/flies) out of the cave at dusk.
The team _____(train/trains) hard to compete in the upcoming tournament.
The family _____(celebrate/celebrates) birthdays with a festive gathering.
The committee _____(review/reviews) applications for the scholarship.
The school band _____(march/marches) proudly in the annual parade.
The collection of old books _____(require/requires) careful preservation.
The flock of seagulls _____(soar/soars) high in the sky.
The pack of cards _____(shuffle/shuffles) before the card game.
The company _____(announce/announces) a new product launch.
The group of hikers _____(explore/explores) the rugged mountain trails.
The congregation _____(sing/sings) hymns during the church service.
The family of deer _____(graze/grazes) peacefully in the meadow.
The team _____(analyze/analyzes) data to draw meaningful insights.
The collection of art _____(include/includes) paintings from various periods.
The pair of gloves _____(keep/keeps) hands warm in the winter.
The orchestra _____(play/plays) classical and contemporary compositions.
The class _____(participate/participates) in a lively debate.
The swarm of bees _____(buzz/buzzes) around the blooming flowers.
The committee _____(make/makes) recommendations for policy changes.
The group of friends _____(plan/plans) a weekend getaway.
The ensemble of actors _____(perform/performs) Shakespearean plays.
The family _____(visit/visits) historical landmarks during summer vacations.
The herd of elephants _____(traverse/traverses) through the dense forest.
The team of engineers _____(design/designs) innovative solutions.
The congregation _____(gather/gathers) for a community picnic.
The flock of geese _____(migrate/migrates) to warmer climates.
The committee _____(deliberate/deliberates) before making decisions.
The group of artists _____(create/creates) vibrant and expressive paintings.
The pair of socks _____(match/matches) the color of the outfit.
The orchestra _____(perform/performs) at prestigious music festivals.
The collection of fossils _____(provide/provides) valuable insights into the past.
The team _____(practice/practices) diligently for the upcoming championship.
The family _____(prepare/prepares) traditional dishes for holiday feasts.
The committee _____(consider/considers) the proposal for a new community center.
The school band _____(entertain/entertains) the audience with lively music.
The congregation _____(volunteer/volunteers) for local charity events.
The herd of cattle _____(graze/grazes) in the open field.
The ensemble of dancers _____(perform/performs) graceful routines.
The pair of sunglasses _____(protect/protects) eyes from harmful UV rays.
The orchestra _____(tune/tunes) their instruments before the concert.
The collection of rare stamps _____(fascinate/fascinates) philatelists.
The team of researchers _____(discover/discovers) a new species.
The family _____(share/shares) stories around the dinner table.
The committee _____(address/addresses) concerns raised by the community.
The group of friends _____(explore/explores) new restaurants in the city.
The swarm of fireflies _____(illuminate/illuminates) the night sky.
The congregation _____(participate/participates) in community clean-up events.
The pair of earrings _____(complement/complements) the evening gown.
The orchestra _____(rehearse/rehearses) for the upcoming concert.
The class _____(submit/submits) assignments on time.
The collection of poems _____(reflect/reflects) the poet's emotions.
The team _____(collaborate/collaborates) on a research project.
The family of penguins _____(slide/slides) on the icy slopes.
The committee _____(evaluate/evaluates) proposals for a public art installation.
The group of athletes _____(train/trains) rigorously for the championship.
The flock of birds _____(migrate/migrates) in a V-shaped formation.
The ensemble of actors _____(portray/portrays) diverse characters on stage.
The pair of binoculars _____(provide/provides) a clear view of distant objects.
The orchestra _____(entertain/entertains) audiences with classical and pop music.
The congregation _____(support/supports) local charities through donations.
The collection of old coins _____(include/includes) rare and valuable pieces.
The team of scientists _____(analyze/analyzes) data from the recent experiment.
The family _____(attend/attends) cultural events in the community.
The committee _____(implement/implements) new policies for waste reduction.
The group of friends _____(organize/organizes) a surprise birthday party.
The swarm of bees _____(build/builds) intricate honeycombs.
The pair of shoes _____(match/matches) perfectly with the outfit.
The orchestra _____(perform/performs) at prestigious venues worldwide.
The class _____(engage/engages) in thought-provoking discussions.
The herd of horses _____(gallop/gallops) across the open field.
The congregation _____(celebrate/celebrates) religious festivals together.
The committee _____(finalize/finalizes) plans for the annual charity event.
The team _____(strive/strives) for excellence in every competition.
The family _____(visit/visits) art galleries during cultural outings.
The collection of butterflies _____(captivate/captivates) nature enthusiasts.
The pack of cards _____(shuffle/shuffles) before the card game begins.
The ensemble of musicians _____(play/plays) a variety of musical genres.
The pair of sunglasses _____(protect/protects) the eyes from the sun's glare.
The orchestra _____(rehearse/rehearses) for hours to perfect their performance.
The congregation _____(pray/prays) for peace and unity in the world.
The group of friends _____(support/supports) each other in times of need.


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