Termasuk dalam soal berbahasa ini.
Begitu sampai di Australia, saya suka tidak mudheng beberapa istilah yang sering digunakan OZ sehari-hari. Kadang saat ngobrol dengan teknisi/teman di kampus, membaca koran atau menonton soap opera/film Australia di tivi, saya suka ’lost’ dengan istilah yang mereka katakan. Dikira-kira artinya apa, juga ga membantu. Kata-kata baru itu kok terkesan lucu aja, karena bentuknya hampir sama dengan kata asli, tetapi kadang berakhiran beda.
Di sini baru terlihat kekreatifan mereka berbahasa. Mereka berani menggunakan istilah baru, yang agak cheeky, lucu dan individual di luar batas bahasa yang baku. Menurut prosesnya, ada tiga metode perubahan kata menjadi kata slang, yaitu substitution (pengganti), comparison (perbandingan) dan abbreviation (singkatan). Salah satu proses yang paling mudah ditangkap oleh pendatang baru seperti saya, yaitu kata slang berupa abbreviation, seperti:
barbecue = barbie
afternoon = arvo
brickie = tukang bata
ambulance = ambo
Belum lagi ingat semua istilah, ternyata saya baru tau, kalau kata slang ini tidak pernah statis, maksudnya selalu dinamis dan bisa berubah menurut waktu. So, kalo mau up date Australian slang terbaru, cara tercepat ya baca koran atau langsung ngobrol deh, dengan OZ! Sekalian jangan lupa nanya arti kata slang yang baru kita dengar.
Untuk Berikut beberapa istilah yang bisa saya copas dari link dictionary:
Ace! : Excellent! Very good!
Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver
Ankle biter : small child
Arvo : afternoon
Aussie (pron. Ozzie) : Australian
Avos : avocados
Bail (somebody) up : to corner somebody physically
Bail out : depart, usually angrily
Barbie : barbecue (noun)
Big Smoke : a big city, especially Sydney or Melbourne
Bikkie : biscuit (also "it cost big bikkies" - it was expensive)
Billabong : an ox-bow river or watering hole
Bingle : motor vehicle accident
Bities : biting insects
Bizzo : business ("mind your own bizzo")
Bloke : man, guy
Bloody : very (bloody hard yakka)
Bloody oath! : that's certainly true
Blowie : blow fly
Bludger : lazy person, layabout, somebody who always relies on other
people to do things or lend him things
Blue : fight ("he was having a blue with his wife")
Blue, make a : make a mistake
Bonzer : great, ripper
Bounce : a bully
Brekkie : breakfast
Brickie : bricklayer
Bushie : someone who lives in the Bush
Bushranger : highwayman, outlaw
BYO : unlicensed restaurant where you have to Bring Your Own grog (grog = alcohol), also similar party or barbecue
Chewie : chewing gum
Chokkie : chocolate
Chook : a chicken
Click : kilometre - "it's 10 clicks away"
Cockie : cockatoo
Cockie : cockroach
Compo : Workers' Compensation pay
Cranky : in a bad mood, angry
Cut lunch : sandwiches
Dag : a funny person, nerd, goof
Digger : a soldier
Dill : an idiot
Dinkum, fair dinkum : true, real, genuine ("I'm a dinkum Aussie")
Doco : documentary
Earbashing : nagging, non-stop chatter
Exy : expensive
Fair dinkum : true, genuine
Fisho : fishmonger
Flick : to give something or somebody the flick is to get rid it or him/her
Footy : Australian Rules football
Fremantle Doctor : the cooling afternoon breeze that arrives in Perth from the
direction of Freeo
Freo : Fremantle in Western Australia
G'Day : hello!
Galah : fool, silly person. Named after the bird of the same name because
of its antics and the noise it makes.
Give it a burl : try it, have a go
Gobsmacked : surprised, astounded
Good oil : useful information, a good idea, the truth
Good onya : good for you, well done
Greenie : environmentalist
Kalau tertarik mau lihat yang lengkap, berikut beberapa links contoh-contoh kata slang lain:
“ I had a small barbie for my brekkie…”
(Hey, I am not eating a barbie doll! LOL!)