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PMII, From Young Intellectuals to Old Opportunists: Auto-Criticism Ahead of 64th Anniversary

17 April 2024   18:40 Diperbarui: 31 Desember 2024   20:09 153 0
The Indonesian Islamic Student Movement (PMII) has undergone a long and meaningful journey since its inception. From initially being a platform for intellectual development, leadership, and social awareness, PMII has been a place for students to grow and thrive. However, as we approach the anniversary celebration, we cannot overlook the changing dynamics within this movement.

Eight years ago, when I first joined PMII, the atmosphere within the organization was markedly different. Despite PMII's membership being relatively small at the time, a strong sense of camaraderie was evident among us. Intellectual activities were extensive and varied. Discussions on Islam, seminars, leadership training, and social activities were integral parts of our routine as PMII members.

However, today, as I observe the state of the organization, I am saddened by the changes that have occurred. Many PMII members tend to focus more on personal ambitions and opportunism rather than the original goals of the movement. Numerous individuals exploit their PMII membership as a means to achieve power, especially within campus organizations such as the Student Executive Board (BEM). Extensive intellectual activities are increasingly overshadowed by political dynamics and power struggles.

This experience has taught me that we must not forget where we came from and what our initial reasons were for joining PMII. There must be an awareness that PMII is not solely about power or personal achievement, but about fostering intellectual growth, leadership, and social responsibility. We need to revive the spirit of camaraderie and intellectual activities that enrich our knowledge and understanding.

Understanding the teachings of Ahlussunnah Wal Jamaah (Aswaja) as the foundation of this movement is also crucial. The fundamental values of the movement, consisting of Tauhid, Hablumminallah, Hablumminannas, and Hablumminal Alam, should guide every step and decision we take. Self-critique ahead of PMII's anniversary should serve as a moment to reflect on our commitment to the straight and moderate teachings of Islam and to redirect the movement towards a better path.

Through awareness of Aswaja principles and the movement's fundamental values, I believe we can overcome opportunistic behaviors and rebuild the spirit of camaraderie, extensive intellectual activities, and social responsibility that characterize PMII. May PMII's anniversary serve as a moment to regenerate the movement's spirit and realign it on the right path in accordance with the straight and moderate teachings of Islam.


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