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A Story of Walk The Peace Journey..

12 Agustus 2010   18:33 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:05 171 0
Ini adalah tulisan putriku yang sulung, Rizka Natasya, umurnya 13 tahun. Kebetulan dia adalah peserta termuda yang baru saja pulang mengikuti acara" Walk the Peace"...(mohon maaf, mama-nya gak pakai bahasa Inggris yaa) Walk The Peace is an event that made by Peace Generation. A thousand people will involved in this historical journey to spread the word of peace. This event brought 40 students from 4 different countries, a thousand people from local community, students of school and Moslem boarding school, villages from the place where we passed. This journey passed schools, villages where we stayed for social activity, plant trees and spread the word of peace, art performance and cultural exchange. The journey end at Pangandaran with beach soccer tournament called "KICK THE HATE" This historical journey started July 30th, 2010 until August 8th, 2010. FIRST DAY : July 30th, 2010 Our first day started at Bumbu Desa Restaurant, Laswi, Bandung. We ate breakfast with Nasi Goreng, fresh juice (guava juice and orange juice) and some traditional snacks from West Java like Awug. While we were eating, we got a performance from Bumbu Desa employees called tatalu and calung from Sunda. At opening ceremony, there's a speech from Peace Generation, Dinas Pendidikan Jawa Barat, Bumbu Desa restaurant and Ketua Umum Ikatan Pelajar Muhammadiyah, Faliq Mubarok. Our local coordinator was Hasan Iqbal and our foreigners coordinator was William Maxey. Than, there's a program called Plant The Peace. At 9.00, we started our journey to Komplek Perguruan Muhammadiyah Antapani. Some of participants still shame to talked with another participants. But, that's normal because we just know each other. After we walked for a long time, finally we arrived at Komplek Perguruan Muhammadiyah Antapani and there we were greeted with students from Muhammadiyah. Than, we took a rest for awhile and had lunch together while waiting for the Moslem boys for pray Jum'at. After took a rest, we plant some trees in Muhammadiyah Antapani than we prepared to continued our journey to Karya Budi School. When we were walking, we greeted by a students from SDN Arcamanik and we took a rest for awhile at Pelangi Mizan. After took a rest for 30 minutes, we rode a car to Karya Budi School. Arrived at Karya Budi School, we took a rest and prepared some performances at night like drama, singing, and watched Breaking Down The Walls. And guess what, we've got a laptop and hotspot facility. Than, after talked with some students, we all slept.. SECOND DAY : July 31st, 2010 Our second day, we started at Karya Budi School than we walked to SMK Muhammadiyah Kadungora. Before we arrived at that school, we had to passed Bundaran Cicalengka. Nah, because the weather wasn't friendly, we all look so tired and thirsty. Of course we drank a lot of water and guess what, we need restroom. So, we stopped at one SPBU. At that SPBU, we sat together and used restroom for 30 minutes. Before we left, Uncle Eric and Om Raspa asked permission to plant tree there. After we plant tree, we continued our trip to Bundaran Cicalengka. But, even before we arrived at Bundaran Cicalengka, we look really-really tired and finally we used truck as our transportation. Nah, when we rode truck, all of us look so happy because it was or first time to rode truck (for some people). When we arrived at SMK Muhammadiyah Kadungora, we greeted with Lengser (Sundanese) and there's a lot of traditional food from Sunda. After we ate the traditional food, we tried to played some traditional games, like engrang, sack-race, joget tomat and etc. So fun and great.. J From SMK Muhammadiyah Kadungora, we continued our trip to Leles with DELMAN to play kites with kids around there!! Yeahhh.. J After we arrived, we played kites with a lot of kids and they look so happy. Than, we continued again our trip to Panawuan Village with angkot. Wow, we greeted by little kids and they brought a leaf-crown for each participants. After we got the crown, we walked to Balai Desa and we saw a Pencak-Silat performance than we divided into groups to stayed in one home each group. At night, we had dinner with yummy food with pelepah pisang as plate. Unique and unforgettable dinner, than we all slept.. THIRD DAY : August 1st, 2010 We all woke up late but that's ok, haha. Before we left the village, we plant some trees. Than, we walked to SMA 15. When we arrived at SMA 15, we saw some performances like Jaipong dance, Angklung. Nah, when they were jaipongan, they asked some foreigners to dance with them, haha. That was so funny! :D From SMA 15, we continued to PERSIS. At PERSIS, we greeted by 4-5 years old little kids marching band. They were look so cute! After that marching bands, we visited some classes. Nah, because PERSIS was a Moslem Boarding School, so girls and boys class were in different places. Ok, than we had lunch in different places too. Some of us were eating at Bakso restaurant, Nasi Padang, etc. We all felt full, haha. Than, after had lunch, we all heading to Mulih K' Desa. Yeay, finally! There's a fun playground. We can play engrang, naik kerbau, slide and pondokan. All of the girls had girls-party at pondokan, haha. Oh ya, we can wash our clothes here but in manual way, with hands. Some foreigners, can't do that, so local people taught them how to wash with hands. And at night, we made a performances than we slept. J FORTH DAY : August 2nd, 2010 Today, we still stayed at Mulih K' Desa and guess what, some of us woke up late! Haha.. Maybe because we played all night long, haha.. Nah, because some of us woke up late, our Nasi Goreng was eaten by the other participants. Me, Lena and Kristen got a little bit to eat, but that's enough and so yummy!! Haha.. Nah, we started our trip from Mulih K' Desa to SMPN 2 Garut. There's a jaipong dance and traditional food from Sunda. From Walk The Peace participants, we performed one skit about prejudice. Than, from SMPN 2 Garut we had lunch at Padang restaurant. From Padang restaurant, we continued to Dayeuh Manggung to saw Pencak Silat performances by a litte kids. But guess what, we all hate the sun at this day!! The weather wasn't friendly. Finally, Uncle Eric decided to went back to the room. We played Bum-Bum Choki-Choki and Cap Guricap Guricap Cap Cap. We all had so much fun there.. J After from Dayeuh Manggung, we went back to Mulih K' Desa than the boys played soccer. Than we had an evaluation but in separate places, foreigners and locals. Why? Because we want all of us can talk freely without fear. After that, we had a bonfire and there's a poem from Deris and Willy, than we sang Lean On Me together. J FIFTH DAY : August 3rd, 2010 Hello... Our trip was started in Mulih K' Desa today. Before we left Mulih K' Desa, we visited their kitchen. Guess what, they still cooked our food with kayu bakar. At 9.00, our truck came and we rode it to Kampung Naga with police. At Kampung Naga, we knew that they were still traditional and there's no electricity in their village. Before we continued our trip, all of the girls must wore jilbab and long sleeve and all of the boys mus wore long pants because we will visited Pondok Pesantren Al-Fuqon and Pondok Pesantren At-Tajdid. We all had lunch at one warung that prepared by Pak Yusef than we visited Al-Furqon and At-Tajdid was our next destination. Even before we arrived at At-Tajdid, we greeted by traditional music, Lengser and Lisan Band (the band that performed at Rock The Peace) at Café Corner so there's a lot of people watched their performances. Guess what, some of participants tried the music instrument and tried to dance like Maggie, Joy, Noel, Niko and Willy. After that, we all arrived at At-Tajdid and we took a rest in different places, boys and girls. We all had dinner, the girls had a chocolatte-party (thank's for Willy to bought us chocolattes J) than we all slept.. SIXTH DAY : August 4th, 2010 At morning, we had breakfast with Nasi Uduk and than we left AT-Tajdid to Ibnu Siena. We just stayed there for awhile, we weren't visited them too long. After from Ibnu Siena, we had lunch at McDonald's. Woohoo! We all look so happy and we divided to groups than we got Rp 150.000 per group. Me, Joy, Joseph and Niko were in the same group. Niko and Joseph had Big Mac, Fried Fries, Coca-Cola. Joy had Cheeseburger and Coca-Cola and me had Beefburger. After lunch, we continued to STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis with bus from them. We were on the way for 30 minutes. We took a rest for awhile then we supported boys to played soccer in Lapangan Futsal Aladin. But unfortunately, our team was lose.. L SEVENTH DAY : August 5th, 2010 Our trip today started at STIKes Muhammadiyah Ciamis and we continued to SMKN 2 Ciamis, then SMPN 1 Cijeunjing and last we stayed at SMK Muhammadiyah Banjarsari. EIGHTH DAY : August 6th, 2010 Today we started at SMK Muhammadiyah Banjarsari then we continued to SMA Muhammadiyah Pangandaran to pray Jum'at there. After pray Jum'at, we went to Hawaii Beach Hotel to stayed there until Sunday J NINTH DAY : August 7th, 2010 Heya. Today our plan was played Beach Soccer Tournament "Kick The Hate" (girls just supported, haha). Tournament was soooooooooo great and unforgettable, even thoough our team wasn't won, we still happy. J After beach soccer tournament "Kick The Hate", actually we had a music performances, but the weather said different, rain was came. L At night, we had a last bonfire but rain came back, so we continued the farewell to 3rd floor at our hotel. We watched a slide show of our pictures from first day until the last day. All of us look so sad L We will miss each other.. J Don't forget each other, friends.. Keep in touch J LAST DAY : August 8th, 2010 We came back to Bandung, but all of the foreigners stayed and visited Batukaras until Tuesday. So sad when we had to say goodbye.. Last but not least, thank's for Peace Generation that made this event; my school that gave me chance to involved at this event especially Mrs. Rima, Mr. Rimawan, Mrs. Muthia; Uncle Eric, Auntie Siti, Mrs. Kim, Om Raspa, and all of the participants of Walk The Peace, thank's for gave me a lot of new experiences. I hope our friendship can be longlast and forever. Keep in touch, friends. PEACE BE UPON YOU by RizkaNatasya


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