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Just Thoughts

13 Desember 2011   10:05 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   22:22 38 1
A very sad phenomenon occurred regularly over and over again this semester in my department. A never care instructor performs his ‘excellent work’. The population of this sort of instructor is even higher than before. Wow,what do they expect us to be actually? If the answer is to let us learn whatsoever skill we want, then they are wrong. Even if they wish so, they are totally wrong avoiding meeting with us, otherwise they are cowards.

I am just pointing out how particular instructor neglected our rights to be taught. Let me say in writing course; don’t you think this course is very much important for students? Especially for students teachers to be, specifically language learners. To keep it short, let me list my assumptions in points:

· I think writing is pretty complex skill that demand detail explanations. Who will do this if no instructor coming in almost a semester?
· I think every instructor should give or at least tell what we are supposed to learn in a semester in a form of syllabus, but none of instructor do so. We do not even have any idea what s/he is doing.
· I think practicing is the most fundamental stance in writing. But how, if we have no idea what to be practiced? (also due to no syllabus provided)
· How could the instructor assess the students’ understanding of writing? I think writing is alongside process throughout the semester. How come?

Hellloooo, we want to learn something this semester, isn’t it okay???


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