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Slim Your Web Shape!

27 Januari 2011   04:02 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   09:09 155 0
Ever heard of the word "zip" in the world of Computer? Zip is the mechanism to compress the contain of file in more effective way to store every bit of data into storage regardless of what file system is being used. And as the result, you'll get smaller size of file. The file has been reduced by removing unneeded bit of space on storage, without effecting the integrity of the information  it self. But can we implement this method to our website? and why? Commonly, files on website is known as Web Component. Is not only HTML when you request a web page, but there's also a static files such as: CSS for style, Javascript for web interactivity, Image, Flash and so on. For each component have their on size, means, all the component is contributing on how long the page will load completely. The main consideration is still the size. Bandwidth usage and amount of time the HTTP Response (page load) is the factor why we have to implement this technique.

GZIP or Deflate?


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