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Cable is Alive… and Thriving

26 September 2014   20:56 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   23:23 19 0
Owing to the growth in technology, cable industry is experiencing major changes in order to manage their businesses in a more efficient and advanced manner, offering enhanced products and services to their valuable customers.

Today, when people are becoming more tech-savvy and aware, subscribers do not simply pay their bills; rather they are more focused on assessing the services they have availed in order to pay accurate service charges.
Regardless of the increase in other entertainment technologies, cable still remains to be alive and popular among the populace.

As per a research, it is found that 9 out of 10 homes pay for cable subscription. It is not only the adults or aged individuals, who take cable as a reliable source of entertainment; young children too spend some of their time exploring cable. Thus, the popularity of cable is inevitable, especially when the cable industry is still flourishing even after deployment of advanced technology like DSL.

What is DSL?

DSL, Digital Subscriber Line, is a technology that offers internet access by broadcasting digital data utilizing a local telephone network that makes use of Public switched telephone network. As far as telecommunicating market is concerned, Digital Subscriber Line is believed to mean ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, a most widely installed DSL technology. The service of DSL is provided concurrently on the similar telephone line along with a wired telephone service. For a fact, Digital Subscriber Line employs bands with higher frequency for data; this certainly seems to be possible.

This is achieved by ending the data signals at a much higher frequency than the cable signals. Additionally, operators also have the option of migrating to all digital line, which converts the analog signals to digital signals and hence leads to free up of frequency. A DSL filter present on every non-DSL outlet obstructs high frequency interference, if any, allowing simultaneous usage of DSL services at subscriber end.

Although DSL and cable modem are similar in many ways, the latter is considered to deliver better service as compared to the former. Below mentioned are some of the contrasts between the two, describing how cable makes a better option.

• Speed

The prime consideration of customers availing a service is the access speed, a technology offers them. Any subscriber would want high-speed accessibility for obvious reasons. When compared to DSL, cable delivers faster speed. Cable has the capability to assure relatively higher levels of bandwidth, which ultimately converts into raw speed.

• Popularity

When a new technology is introduced, people might get attracted to it initially, but the real results can be expected after some time only. As compared to Digital Subscriber Line, cable modem is more popular among people, owing to its low cost and significantly higher speed. Moreover, this conventional method is considered to be reliable as well.

• Security

DSL and cable, both employ different network security models to ensure safe and protected services. Although, both are successfully able to deliver protected service, majority of populace prefer cable to DSL, considering it to be a more secure option.

DOCSIS and Cable modem

DOCSIS, Data over Cable Service Interface Specification, is a telecommunications standard utilized to deliver internet access through a cable modem. Being a chief element, it provides a common method to network service providers as well as modem manufacturers in order to work jointly in a conventional method. DOCSIS allows quick data transfer to present cable TV system. Majority cable TV operators employ the technology of DOCSIS to render internet access over existing hybrid fiber coaxial infrastructure.

Security features offered by DOCSIS

The Baseline Privacy Interface specifications of DOCSIS comprise of MAC layer security services. Employing these services, BPI/SEC aims at delivering the following:

• Data privacy to cable modem users across the network

• Service protection to cable operators, that is, restricting unauthorized users and modems from acquiring access to network’s MAC services.

The security offered by DOCSIS averts cable users from listening to one another. This is accomplished through data encryption between the cable modem and the CMTS. Besides, cable operators are given the authority to deny service to illegitimate users and uncertified cable modems. The security feature is enhanced through digital service based authentication, which is added to a key exchange protocol by making use of public key infrastructure based on digital certificate authorities. Usually, a cable operator adds the MAC address of a cable modem to a subscriber’s account manually. This ensures that the network enables access to only that cable modem which can confirm to that particular MAC address by the means of a legal certificate issued by Public Key Infrastructure.

DOCSIS security is widely improved over a period of time and this can be said as only the communications crucial for businesses are allowed while communication to network infrastructure is refused.

To sum up, although, a myriad of new technologies are introduced after certain intervals, the service offered by cable is still appreciated. It cannot be ignored that some people prefer advanced technologies to conventional services, but a huge population still considers cable a better alternative.


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