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Corruption and Its Impact on Various Aspects of Life

11 Desember 2023   21:06 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2023   21:27 42 0
Corruption is the abuse of power for one's personal gain which harms many groups. The actions of these authorities have a serious impact on various aspects of life. The first is social and economic inequality. Corruption can weaken social and economic disparities because funds that should be used for development projects or public services are often misused by corrupt actors. second, namely waste of resources. Corruption causes massive waste in the management of resources. Projects that should be for the welfare of society can be hampered or even canceled due to corrupt practices. third, namely the low quality of public services. Public services have become suboptimal and uneven because policies and programs that should be useful are now polarized for personal interests. third, namely damage to institutions and public trust.Corruption undermines public trust in government and private institutions. 


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