Bukannya saya merendahkan artis, but this is real life. Jika Jakarta tdk di tangani org yg tepat, maka cuma menambah masalah spt yg telah di tunjukan bang Foke.
Artis harus bisa menjawab pertanyaan sederhana berikut:
"why we have to choose them over the other candidates? kata lain what are the benefits that they can offer us?"
"Are there any evidences that they are the right man behind the gun who has all knowledge and expertise that jakarta people need?"
"Or they are just a bunch of people that cannot survive?"
Lah bang Foke saja yg seumur hidup kerja di Pemda dan ahlinya Jakarta jadi semrawut, nah ini mau di serahkan sama artis.
Sampai sejauh ini belum ada artis yg bisa unjuk kinerja. You name it, dari Rano Karno, Dedi Mizwar