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The Effect of Education Discrimination on Self-Confidence

23 Desember 2023   23:34 Diperbarui: 25 Desember 2023   12:04 60 1
Good education will determine the success of an individual. The education of a worker is very influential on the number of unemployed people in Semarang City, so with adequate education and expertise, they will succeed in getting a job (Suprayitno et al., 2017). Self-confidence can affect the competencies needed to be ready for work. Forming optimal self-development as a result of self-evaluation and reflection requires self-confidence, so that what will emerge is not only good self-assessment but at the same time can bring out the abilities it has (Pool & Sawell, 2007). Self-confidence is the initial characteristic that individuals must have in doing anything.   Self-confidence will arise due to a good self-concept of each individual. Self-concept is formed through experiences gained from interactions with the environment (Agustiani 2006). Limited educational experience will certainly hinder the level of self-confidence in the deterioration of the development of learner potential or one's success. This is in line with (Hurtado & Ruiz Alvarado, 2015) the experience of discrimination has a negative impact so that it can reduce the persistence of even high-achieving students.


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