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Get To Know About Lampung Culture

1 Januari 2022   02:26 Diperbarui: 1 Januari 2022   02:48 358 1
Lampung is famous for various kinds of wealth, from natural potential, and its resources are no less abundant than other islands.

The culture in Lampung, includes:

 -Custom home
 - Various traditional dances
 -Traditional clothes, and various culinary specialties.

Lampung culture is influenced by Arab, Chinese, and Indian cultures. This is because Lampung is on the world trade route, so many cultures from outside Indonesia influence the culture in Lampung.

Lampung is a province located in the southernmost part of Sumatra Island, Indonesia. The capital city of Lampung is Bandar Lampung. The area of the province is about 35,587 km2 (13,740 sq mi) with a population density of about 8,289,577.

The people of Lampung are dominated by the Javanese, and the regional languages are also diverse. Here's the explanation.
Lampung ethnic group

The ethnic groups that inhabit Lampung consist of:

    Lampung 25.00%
    Java 62.00%
    Sundanese 9.00%
    others (Balinese, Minangkabau, Malay) 4.00%

Lampung Regional Language

With the various ethnic groups in the province of Lampung, of course there are various kinds of regional languages that are used daily by the people of Lampung, here are the data:

    Indonesian (official)
    Lampung (dominant)
    Fire Lampung
    Lampung Nyo

Lampung Community Religion

For the religion of belief of the people of Lampung province, the majority is Islam. Here's the data:

    Islam 93.55%
    Protestant Christian 2.32%
    Hinduism 1.63%
    Catholic 1.62
    Buddha 0.87%
    Confucianism 0.01%

Lampung Culture

Indonesia is already known in the international arena with a variety of cultures in it. Including in the province of Lampung, there are also some phenomenal cultures for us to learn.

The various cultures found in Lampung include traditional houses, traditional clothes and other traditional arts. Just take a look below.
Lampung Traditional House

Lampung has a traditional house known to the public as Nuwow Sesat. This house was originally only a place for Lampung community meetings to hold deliberations.

This house in the form of a stage is usually erected in front of a river, with a housing pattern made to follow the flow of a river.

In general, this Lampung traditional house has the following parts:

    Pusiban, is a room that is used as a place for official deliberation.
    Ijan Geladak, namely the entrance stairs equipped with a grand roof or roof.
    Pavilion or foyer, is a place used for small gatherings.
    Kebik Tengah, is a bed for children when or inner balancer.
    Tetabuhan room, which is a place used to store typical musical instruments.
    The Gajah Merem Room is a resting place for traditional balancers.

We have also discussed Lombok traditional houses. Don't forget to read it too, yes, to add to your insight about the various traditional houses in our beloved country of Indonesia. :)

Types of Houses in Lampung, Nuwow Perverted

Nuwow Sesat 


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