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MMM di Ambang Kematian

20 September 2014   13:49 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   00:09 763 0
"So! I think all you read there all written in detail. Unfortunately, after restart in Indonesia panic spread in other asia countries such as Hong Kong and Malasiya including. We tryed hard to improve the situation , but all our efforts in stabilazing of system did not give much results. In peresent situation panic grows and spread itself very fast. Panic it is most dangerous element in all financial structures, not only in MMM. It should be cut out immediately as it started otherwise it just gain the power. And nothing can be done about that. This way biggest banks and funds and all other things falls!! We want to make speacial point , there are no any objective resons which brought us to this situation!!!! All was running smooth and fine, until that moment when suddenly participants start to panic. Without any reason to that. So whats now? It is how it is. Panic took place and we got what we have today. And now we have to start from beggining. Nothing to do about it. Point of no returnis reached. In short. We announce restart. System starts from beggining." (Mr. Sergey Mavrody, Link :

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