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Analysis of Cultural Diplomacy Theory and Analytical Approach in Viewing JKT48's Representation of AKB48

11 Januari 2024   12:02 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   23:51 93 0
In the world of international relations, diplomacy is an important tool that a country must have to achieve its own national interests. These interests are not only focused on military and economic interests, but also in the cultural field. Culture itself plays an important role in diplomacy because it can be used effectively as a tool for soft power diplomacy. Soft power itself is an attraction that a country has to achieve its goals by influencing other actors without using coercion and force. For Japan and Indonesia, the use of cultural diplomacy is one of the efforts to strengthen the friendship between the two countries. In its implementation, both countries conduct cultural diplomacy through the representation of the idol girl band in the form of JKT48, which was formed as a means of diplomacy itself in realizing Indonesia's national interests through the cultural field. JKT48's role as a means of diplomacy is to promote Indonesian culture through events both nationally and internationally.


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