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Inovasi review - Is Apple’s in-house method the best way for Android? Look at webOS

20 Agustus 2011   08:44 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   02:37 82 0
Vertical integration is a term most tech enthusiasts will immediately recognize as being very Apple flavored. Hardware and software are both created by Jobs’ company and he reaps the benefits of that. It also leads to a much more controlled environment for his customers. Nothing goes in the hardware or software that could negatively affect the user experience (at least, that’s what Steve-O says – we’ll ignore antenna gate for the sake of this argument.) Some like this safety net, others loath it and do all they can to break free and imprint some essence of individuality on their products. On the iPhone, the most common route is jailbreaking. But, with iOS 5 including many of the added benefits previously available exclusively through Cydia, Cupertino are eliminating much of the need for this act of supposed rebellion.


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