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3 Things That I Will Do If I'm Entrusted 1 Billion Rupiah

6 Oktober 2024   20:42 Diperbarui: 7 Oktober 2024   09:11 36 0
     In this life, there are so many things we want to do and buy especially if we have a lot of money. So here I will write "3 things I would do if I am entrusted with 1 billion rupiah at my current age". The first thing I will do is buy land and build a house that is good enough for me and my family to live in. Because now my family and I or still living at someone else's house, so I want to do that and we have our own place to live and don't have to stay at someone else's house anymore. The second thing I will do is to give capital to my parents to start a business. I do that so my family's economy runs smoothly and is not hindered in meeting all family needs. The third thing I will do is Umrah with my family. Because Umrah Is a Muslim worship that has many rewards. And if Allah permits, I also want to go for the Hajj with my family to fulfill the fifth pillar of Islam. Those are 3 things I would do if I am entrusted with 1 billion rupiah. Maybe I will use the rest of the money for my needs. In this, everything or derise that humans will never end; it depends on how we, as wise humans, use the fortune we have for useful things.


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