[caption id="attachment_234665" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="mazziwan.blog.friendster.com"][/caption] Corruption has been one of the most horrible habits in Indonesia; destroys almost all ascpect of life here. There is a common saying:
korupsi-berjemaah. Jemaah is a religious term known by all religious followers in this country even though the term is more familiar with the Muslim group. Jemaah means congregation; korupsi-berjemaah means: congregative-corruption. Why this term, korupsi-berjemaah, is so common in Indonesia? No wonder! Unlike in the US, here in Indonesia, there is a minister for religious-affair; it's department has been known as one of the most corruptive ones in the country. It seems that consciously or unconsciously, the term of korupsi-berjemaah is strongly to do with the corruption at the religious department. There has been efforts demanding that the country doesn't need such a religious-department; it only wastes resources and the make the country looks even ugly. Why don't just let people of this nation take care of their own religious-business including pilgrimage to Middle-East? Instead, the department take benefits from those who go to Mecca right from the registration to their arrival back home.
Indonesian House Speaker Disagree with NU and Muhammadiyah Both NU and Muhammadiyah, for the sake of corruption elimination in Indonesia that has been destroy the country so badly, agree not to pray for dead corrupted people. Corruption is a kafir-behaviour, isn't it? Then why you need to pray for the dead-kafir-corrupted people? There must be an iron-funishment to those corrupted people otherwise they can still enjoy being corrupt. Look at Singapore that applies a strict-implementation on illegal-drugs to protect their people. Never try to cross it over or you will be die. There is no hope that religions can bring people to get themselves away of corruption. Almost every Indonesian holds a religion at least formally. It's printed at her or his identity card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk). This might be the reason why NU and Muhammadiyah, both are the largest Islamic organizations in the country, can say that there is no need to pray for those dead corrupted people. It is clear that the heart and mind of those corrupt people are made of stone; occupied by a devil who is their big boss. They are enslaved by money!
A house speaker such as marzuki Alie suppose to be a politician, correct? However, he turned himself out to become like a religious leader by saying: “As long as the corrupt people are Muslims, as a fellow Muslims we must pray for them"; Only God Can Judge. That means Marzuki Alie has no problem with those corrupted people? It seems so. He pretends to behave as a good member of the House. By saying that only God can just a man as a sinner, he tries to look even better than a religious scholar as if he is also the speaker of God. How did he could come to such a conclusion that only God can judge a corrupt-one as if his fellows do not have mind? If you are smart enough which I am sure you are, it is easy to understand why he behaved that way; to copy SBY's recent pretending to be a good president by granting a giant-corrupted-one a full release: Syaukuni. When politicians twist religions for their sakes, then it is clear that they are manipulative!***