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A Lantern in the Midst of Fog

12 September 2024   09:05 Diperbarui: 12 September 2024   09:13 88 7
A Lantern in the Midst of Fog

By Leni Marlina

Not a falling star in the night's embrace,  
But a lantern glowing through the thickest haze,  
Its light not blinding nor bold,  
Yet it shines just enough to guide the weary soul.

It is not the wind that whispers false promises,  
Nor the storm that strikes with fury untamed,
But an ancient tree clinging to the cliff's edge,
With roots that hold the earth, keeping it firm and unchanged.

It wears no mask of power's might,  
Not like the lone eagle soaring high in flight,  
But like a river, gently weaving its course,  
Breathing life to every stretch of land it crosses.

It is not a king in a silver-spired tower,  
Nor a blinding illusion spun to cower,  
But like a tranquil green hill at dawn,  
Where people rest when the scorching sun has shone.

It craves not the heirloom of a dynasty's line,  
Nor strings of gold and gems entwined,  
But like a faithful farmer sowing seeds of hope,  
It waits for the harvest, where justice will grow.

In its heart, the vows of the nation lie deep,  
Like mountains that cradle the boundless sea,
It stands unwavering, defying the storm's howl,  
Guarding the sacred freedom, never to let it fall.

Fearless before the shadows of towering might,  
It is the dawn that stirs us to rise,  
Blowing winds of hope in the nation's every breath,  
A true leader, keeping the land's promise of life.

Padang, West Sumatra, 2024


This poem was originally written in Indonesian languange as a personal poetry collection by Leni Marlina in 2015. It was then edited, translated, and published for the first time in digital media in 2024. The Indonesian original title  is *"Lentera di Tengah Kabut"* available on

The author is an active member of  the Indonesian writers association, a lecturer at FBS Universitas Negeri Padang,  the Founder and Head of the World Children's Literature Community (WCLC); member of Victorian Writers; and member of Hongkong ACC international writers community.


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