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Congratulations on Graduation

3 Juli 2024   06:20 Diperbarui: 3 Juli 2024   06:49 28 1
Congratulations on Graduation

An Essay Poem by: Leni Marlina

Beneath the bright sky of wisdom,  
You stride with pride anew.  
Graduates with spirits ablaze,  
Your tassel flutters like wings of dreams.  
Your eyes gleam, your smile blooms,  
Calm gaze, confident, with a hint of sweat.

Echoes linger in your ears,  
Professors' voices, cool as breeze,  
Greeting your mind with profound knowledge,  
Their words flow like a clear river,  
Reviving motivation, dreams,  
Persistent in your goals.

In your vision, still etched,  
Thesis advisors and examiners,  
Coloring thoughts with knowledge,  
Sturdy pillars,  
Strengthening you with wise counsel,  
Invaluable wisdom.

Your eyes witness,  
Majestic campus buildings stand tall,  
Loyal guardians of your struggles,  
Walls harbor tales,  
Of dreams you chased with burning resolve.

The sports field, arena of dreams,  
Spirit blazing in every game,  
Green grass tickling running feet,  
Teaching teamwork, true sportsmanship.

Library, your favorite place, forest of knowledge,  
Shelves like trees laden with fruit,  
Each book a fruit of wisdom,  
Journey across the world,  
Quenching your thirst for knowledge.

Campus garden, where you relax, trees whisper softly,  
Welcoming fatigue,  
With soothing tranquility,  
A place to unwind after classes.

Behind every effort, soft prayers whisper,  
Hopes and dreams soar high,  
Like free birds in the sky,  
To family, you are a bright star in dark night,  
Adorning the sky with warm light.

Behind all this,  
Powerful hands,  
Parents at home, willing to work hard, sacrifice,  
With sweat and tears,  
Realizing your dreams,  
So you stand today in the auditorium,  
At the peak of pride.

Behind it all,  
Friends cheer and strengthen,  
In sorrow, hardship.  
Benefactors who helped,  
Silently pray for well-being,  
Someone hurt unintentionally,  
Silently forgiving out of love.

Congratulations, graduates,  
Perseverance a rock amid storm,  
Unyielding despite harsh winds,  
Hard work an eternal flame,  
Lighting dark paths, dispelling doubts.  
Hard work a poem never fading,  
Dreams blossom beautifully with every step,  
Remain strong, keep moving forward,  
Not giving up when tested by Allah.

Today marks a new adventure,  
Footprints an example across time,  
Keep learning, growing,  
Knowledge an eternal lantern, never dim.

Congratulations on graduation,  
Welcome to the future,  
Proof dreams can come true,  
With steadfastness, hard work, patience.

Our prayers accompany you, may your steps be blessed,  
Choices filled with wisdom, divine guidance,  
Hope you become wise,  
Serve others, shine as light in the archipelago.

Graduates, remain of noble character,  
Humble, even in greatness,  
Achieve dreams rightly,  
Without betraying conscience,  
Without violating noble ethics,  
Without trading fame,  
Stay honest,  
Without hiding truth, reality.

Congratulations, graduates,  
Remain respectful children,  
Value parents' tireless sweat,  
Remember their sacrifices,  
Repay with love, respect, prayers.  
Without parents' sacrifices, blessings,  
You are nothing.

Padang, September 2023


*This poem initially published in Leni Marlina's poetry collection in July 2022, revised in July 2023 before digital publication.

**Since 2006, the author has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Languages and Arts, Universitas Negeri Padang. She founded and heads the World Children's Literature Community (WCLC) since 2018. Additionally, she is a member of the Asosiasi Penulis Satu Pena Sumatera Barat since 2022, and involved with the Asosiasi Penulis Victoria - Australia since 2012.


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