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Happy Idul Adha for Our Teachers

17 Juni 2024   10:38 Diperbarui: 3 Juli 2024   09:13 117 9
Happy Idul Adha for Our Teachers

By Leni Marlina

Beneath Eid's gentle sky, where hearts gently sway,
Your wisdom shines bright, like dawn's first ray.
In the classroom's tapestry, woven with care,
You've sculpted our minds, a masterpiece rare.

Your words, like rivers that etch paths through stone,
Guide us through challenges, on paths unknown.
Each lesson blooms like a garden in spring,
Nurturing minds with the wisdom you bring.

On this Idul Adha, under the moon's soft glow,
We gather in gratitude, hearts all aglow.
For you, our beacon, our compass, our guide,
In learning's embrace, forever abide.

Happy Idul Adha, dear teacher of light,
In our hearts, you gleam ever bright.

Padang - West Sumatra, 2006

Hantu Pocong Lembang, Hiburan Siang di Jalan Macet!

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