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Fade in Sade

26 September 2010   09:39 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   12:57 247 0
[caption id="attachment_270008" align="alignright" width="300" caption="A front view of the main gate. Sade Village can be reached right from the main road, and there’s a parking lot for visitors’ cars. The local guide is ready to greet you on the gate."][/caption] It was awesome to visit the real life of Sasak in Lombok. I was there two weeks ago, casted here in Dusun Sade, a village of 150 Sasak houses with approximately 700 inhabitants living their life originally, farming and weaving. Sasak is original ethnic of Lombok. Most of them are muslims, though a few of them are Buddhists. They speak in Sasak language. But most of them speak Indonesian fluently, coz they can communicate with me well if I wanna buy their souvenirs. Sasaks generally still love marrying their own cousins. [caption id="attachment_270009" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Houses are built adapting to the relief of Lombok which is consisted of hills. There are only three large rooms inside, including living room which is functioned as bedroom at night."][/caption]


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