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History of Indonesia's Ministery of Defense Cooperation with SAAB Sweden

24 Januari 2024   02:38 Diperbarui: 24 Januari 2024   02:42 77 0

The Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Sweden have a long history of cooperation. Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Sweden have been established for a long time, namely since 1952 and continue to grow. Among other things, in 2008, the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Sweden entered into a cooperation agreement in the field of human rights, which includes child protection and the improvement of human rights in correctional institutions. Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish non-profit organization, supports this collaboration. Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden is expected to increase not only in the field of human rights, but also in other fields.
Indonesia and Sweden have many similarities in their foreign policy. Therefore, the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Sweden want to continue to improve their bilateral relations. The governments of the Republic of Indonesia and the Kingdom of Sweden are developing their bilateral relations by cooperating in the defense sector. In 2015, investment in the munafacture sector was made through cooperation between PT Lundin Indonesia and SAAB Sweden. Through this cooperation, an order for an anti-radar patrol boat belonging to the Indonesian Navy was completed. Not only that, SAAB and PT Lundin Indonesia also received 18 ships ordered for the Bangledesh Navy.
Furthermore, in early December 2016, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia and the Government of the Kingdom of Sweden officially signed a cooperation agreement in the field of defense signed by the Indonesian Minister of Defense, Raymizard Ryacudu and the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Sweden Carl Anders Peter Hultqvist. The signing was carried out during the honorary visit of the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Sweden to the Indonesian Minister of Defense at the office of the Indonesian Ministry of Defense, Jakarta. Through the signing of the agreement, the two countries want to improve and strengthen the existing bilateral relations through cooperative activities in the defense sector based on the principles of equality, mutual trust and understanding and respect for the sovereignty and territorial integration of the two countries. There are five scopes in the cooperation, namely first, information exchange and introduction to issues of mutual interest including political and military aspects as well as international maritime security issues. Second, the exchange of information and best practices and promoting cooperation between the respective agencies in the field of research and development of science and technology and other related institutions. Third, the development of exchange cooperation and experience in the field of logistics support and maintenance. Fourth, the support and development of cooperation in the defense industry that can suffice for technology transfer, joint research, joint marketing and also quality assurance. Finally, the development of activities that lead to cooperation in military medicine and military health services (KEMENTERIAN PERTANAHAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA, 2016). 

After the signing of the MoU, Indonesia and Sweden held a number of meetings and visits. These meetings and visits were carried out as an effort to realize the signed MoU. For example, in 2017, the Indonesian Minister of Defense held a bilateral meeting in the Kingdom of Sweden. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia, Ryamizard Ryacudu also brought leaders of local defense industry companies as delegates to Sweden, such as PT Pindad, PT PAL, PT Dirgantara Indonesia, PT LEN, and PT Napindo. The meeting was the next step after the signing of the MoU in 2016. During the meeting, Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu showed his interest in a number of Swedish military industries, including weapons and technology systems, one of which is the JAS 39 Gripen fighter aircraft produced by SAAB. In 2018 Indonesia visited Sweden again, during the visit to discuss strengthening defense cooperation between the two countries and in 2019 the Indonesian Minister of Defense and the Minister of Defense of the Kingdom of Sweden held another meeting on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference.
In 2022, the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Defense of the Kingdom of Sweden conducted a second MoU which was a continuation of the Indonesia-Sweden MoU signed by the Ministers of Defense of Indonesia and Sweden on December 20, 2016. The meeting was held at the Office of the Swedish Ministry of Defense. The Indonesian Ministry of Defense delegation was led by General Bambang Sugiharto, Director of Defense Component Deployment, Directorate General of Strahan, Ministry of Defense and Brigadier General Bambang Sugiharto.  And also accompanied by officials of Ditkersinhan Ditjen Strahan Ministry of Defense, Indonesian Embassy in Stockholm, and Indonesian Athan London. While from the Swedish side, led by BG Rikard Asksredt, Military Advisor, Ministry of Defense and Department of Acquisition who was also accompanied by representatives of the Swedish Ministry of Defense and the Swedish Athan in Singapore. This meeting was held with the aim of identifying and reviewing the scope of cooperation.
The cooperative relationship between Indonesia and Sweden has a long history and has influenced the international relations of both countries. This cooperation reflects the commitment of both countries to strengthen bilateral relations that are mutually beneficial and contribute to regional and international peace and security.
Cooperation in the defense sector between Indonesia and Sweden has far-reaching impacts. First of all, this cooperation can strengthen bilateral relations between Indonesia and Sweden. With this cooperation, the two countries can support and cooperate with each other in various fields, including information exchange, scientific research and development, logistical support, and the defense industry.
This cooperation can also increase trust and understanding between the two countries, as well as strengthen political and military cooperation. In the context of security, cooperation in the defense sector between Indonesia and Sweden has a broad impact. The impact is not only limited to the two countries, but can also affect regional stability and security. This cooperation can help improve Indonesia's defense capabilities, which in turn can contribute to regional stability. In addition, this cooperation can also open up opportunities for cooperation with other countries in the field of defense.
Moreover, cooperation in defense can also provide significant benefits to both countries. In this case, the cooperation between the Indonesian Ministry of Defense and SAAB Sweden has resulted in investment in the manufacturing sector and the completion of the Indonesian Navy's anti-radar patrol boat order. This not only provides economic benefits, but also strengthens Indonesia's defense capabilities. In addition, this cooperation can also improve technology and knowledge in the field of defense, which can have a positive impact on the defense industry sector in both countries.

Overall, the cooperative relationship between Indonesia and Sweden in the defense sector has a significant impact on the international relations between the two countries. This cooperation reflects both countries' commitment to enhancing bilateral relations and contributing to regional and international peace and security. Through this cooperation, Indonesia and Sweden can learn from each other and exchange experiences, as well as strengthen their position in the international community.
In addition, history also influences international relations through the formation of national identities and countries' perceptions of each other. Past events can create positive or negative sentiments between countries, which can affect political, economic and cultural relations between them.
In conclusion, international relations play an important role in the history of cooperation between the Indonesian and Swedish Ministries of Defense. Cooperation in defense between the two countries not only strengthens bilateral relations, but also contributes to regional stability and security. Through this cooperation, Indonesia and Sweden can support each other and strengthen their position in the international world.
My name is Lailatul Badrian with Student number 5221611031 from the International Relations Study Program, Yogyakarta University of Technology, Accredited "B" Batch 2022. The reason I chose the International Relations Study Program is because I have an interest in the field of political studies, especially domestic politics and the scope of study is quite broad, both in terms of politics, economics, culture and social.  In addition, I have aspirations to have a career in politics, so I feel that studying in the International Relations department will equip me to have a career in politics. My favorite course is Indonesian Political System. My favorite lecturers are Mr. Adi Wibawa S.I.P., M.A. and Mr. Muhammad Ridha Iswardhana, S.I.P., M.A. I have plans to take public concentration.


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