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Politik Pilihan

Bila Wimar Witoelar Bicara Capres

5 Februari 2014   17:01 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   02:07 976 10
  • Jokowi ideal dari yang mungkin, kecuali mau pilih Prabowo atau Bakrie. Tinggal didampingi orang solid dan cerdas.
  • Jokowi for Presideny
  • Jokowi for President, a choice both of hope and desperation. A rejection of unpalatable choices.
  • Jokowi for President, a choice both of hope and desperation. A rejection of unpalatable choices.
  • Elections will not produce the best but the least poor of other choices.
  • Jokowi adalah sarjana kehutanan yang mengerti perubahan iklim. Bisa mengendalikan deforestasi.
  • Jokowi's strength reflects popular voter support for "new" or "clean" leaders rather than the "old" style of politics in Indonesia.
  • Jokowi graduated with a degree from the Faculty of Forestry at Gadjah Mada University in 1985. He understands global warming.
  • Jokowi's VP must be intelligent, experienced and mature. The anchor for a dynamic team.
  • We have suffered from human rights abuse and corruption. Avoid those who are the epitome of such dangers.
  • Epitome: A representative or perfect example of a class or type: "He is seen . . . as the epitome of corruption."
  • A representative or perfect example of a class or type: "He is seen . . . as the epitome of state power and human rights abuse."
  • We do not want the epitome of corruption and abuse of state power. We want a fresh new start.
  • Delight in social media on Jokowi reflects desire to break free from old power. Foolish to team him up with a proxy traditional party leader
  • Supreme Megawati legacy would be to nominate Jokowi and allowing a competent VP-candidate. PDIP would win by landslide.
  • An intelligent Jokowi ticket will not need huge campaign funds. Support comes spontaneously.
  • Dulu dukung Faisal Basri, Sri Mulyani. Mereka orang terbaik Indonesia, tapi kini bukan capres. Kita dukung capres diantara yg ada: Jokowi.
  • The biggest issue of all is climate change. And politics is the most effective means to deal with it.
  • Ga usah pusingkan pilihan orang. Tentukan pilihan anda. Tiap orang punya satu suara

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