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Reasons Why Women Are More At Risk

20 Desember 2023   00:42 Diperbarui: 20 Desember 2023   00:59 65 0
Mental health is important for the life of every human being, mental health affects all aspects of life, with a healthy mentality the mood and mood will be stable and our response to ourselves and others will also have a positive impact. Mental health can be affected by life events and events that have a significant impact on one's personality and behavior. These events may include domestic violence, child abuse, and long-term severe stress. When mental health is compromised, mental illness and mental disease occur. Mental disorders can change a person's behavior, coping with stress, interacting with others, making decisions, and even lead to self-harm (Rifani & Rahadi, 2021). Self-harm behavior is a form of action taken by someone to overcome painful feelings or emotional distress in a self-defeating way such as hurting and injuring themselves without the desire to die (Tarigan & Apsari, 2022).


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