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Am I Good Enough? Inside the Complex World of Youth Insecurity

22 November 2023   09:00 Diperbarui: 22 November 2023   09:03 127 0
Insecurity. It's a word we often hear tossed around, especially when it comes to teenagers and young adults. You'll hear them say things like "I'm so insecure about my acne" or "I feel insecure talking to new people." But is being insecure inherently good or bad? The answer is more nuanced than you may think.

On one hand, insecurity can be seen as a negative trait linked to low self-esteem and lack of confidence. The constant need for validation and reassurance can be mentally exhausting. Insecurity also holds youth back from taking risks, seizing opportunities, and reaching their full potential due to fear of failure or rejection. And let's be real, comparing yourself to others on social media all day can make you feel pretty crappy.

However, some may argue that a bit of insecurity can be a positive force. Feeling insecure about your abilities could motivate you to work harder and become better. Doubting your physical appearance may push you to live a healthier lifestyle. And questioning whether you're on the right life path could lead to valuable self-reflection. As the old saying goes: "No pain, no gain."

So why do so many young people today struggle with insecurity? 


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