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Indonesia-Sweden Defense Cooperation An Analytical Approach

3 Januari 2024   22:51 Diperbarui: 24 Januari 2024   09:16 164 0
Such cooperation is essential in the context of international relations. Basically, international relations are about how countries interact with each other, and defense cooperation like this is a good example of how two countries can work together to achieve a common goal. In this regard, Indonesia and Sweden chose to cooperate in defense. It not only shows trust and respect between the two countries but also shows that they are willing to learn and share knowledge. This can help strengthen their bilateral relations and contribute to regional stability and security. In addition, this cooperation can also help Indonesia achieve its goal of modernizing the military and improving its defense capabilities. With the support of SAAB, Indonesia can gain access to modern military technology and equipment, which can be very helpful in strengthening the nation's defense. So, in the context of international relations, This cooperation can be seen as a positive step that benefits both sides and can help strengthen relations between Indonesia and Sweden.


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