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A Decade After The Lehman's Fall, Unravelling "The Wisdom Of The Crowd'"

3 Oktober 2018   19:38 Diperbarui: 3 Oktober 2018   19:59 710 0
Suppose that you have never tasted foods in Kanopi Restaurant in your life before and one day, you are asked to taste them by two groups of people -- one group consists of only one person (group A) and the other consists of twenty people (group B). When group A tells you that the flavor of the food in that restaurant is horrible and group B tells you that taste  actually is not horrible but very delicious, which one will you believe? At that time you might not have any choices but to choose what the majority tells you, which is very delicious, because you don't have any prior knowledge regarding the flavor of the food in that restaurant. Now the question is why people tend to choose the choice of the many or in other words -- 'the wisdom of the crowds'?


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