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The Allure of Tabebuya Flowers Blooming Attracts People In Indonesia

12 Desember 2023   10:27 Diperbarui: 12 Desember 2023   10:38 54 0
The blooming of the Tabebuya flower attracts many eyes for many reasons. First, the Tabebuya flower is a plant that comes from the native habitat of the Amazo forest, Brazil. This plant has various types of colors, namely, yellow, bright white, purple or magenta, red or pink. The beautiful flower color is the attraction of the plant. Usually, this plant can grow up to 7.5-49m in height. Next, Tabebuya stems can produce a large number of flowers and distinctive silvery leaves. No wonder when it comes time for the Tabebuya flowers to bloom, many eyes are drawn to its beauty. In addition, many people think that tabebuya is a cherry blossom especially when the flowers that bloom are pink. If seen from afar, it will make people think that it is a cherry blossom tree. In conclusion, the appearance of Tabebuya blooms in Indonesia is an attraction for many people.


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