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What Are Some Psychological Facts About Love

5 Januari 2022   18:47 Diperbarui: 5 Januari 2022   18:53 163 1
  • What people call love is mostly sexual desire. True love is rare. Being able to love someone beyond his imperfections require a depth of gratitude.
  • Most women are attracted to men with a strong sense of humor. Generally speaking, a strong sense of humor is associated with intelligence.
  • You always relate the person you love to a specific song.
  • Love and lust are not the same. Love is fueled by emotions. Lust is fueled by motivation to receive a reward rather than the empathy that comes with love.
  • Love works fast. It only takes up to 4 minutes to decide whether you like someone or not.
  • Feeling stressed? Hug it out with the person you love. Hugging your partner is an instant stress reliever.
  • There's a reason why cuddling feels so good. Oxytocin, the so-called love or cuddle hormone, is produced during an embrace or cuddle.
  • Love is not just in your mind. Love is not just something you think. It is seen throughout your body.
  • Making the first move? You may be waiting for your crush to make the first move and that's not actually a bad idea. Did you know that if you make the first move, you'll be more attracted to the other person?
  • Marriage improves long-term health. Those who are married live longer and healthier lives than those who are single. And even after losing a spouse, it shortens the life expectancy of the person left behind.
  • Love is contagious. Just as smiling at someone encourages them to smile, expressing love inspires those feelings from others.
  • We can sense and are attracted to a person with a different immune system.
  • People in love can synchronize their hearts. Studies show people in love can sync up their heart rates by making eye contact for three minutes.
  • 'Love' is a word derived from Sanskrit. The term "love" is from the Sanskrit lubhyati, meaning "desire."

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