Praise Allah SWT for His blessings and grace born of strength of mind and spirit on the road so that the writers can resolve this report.
This report is based School Outing Programme implemented in Yogyakarta and Magelang hold on the date of June 18, 2012 until the date of July 3, 2012
The report was prepared and submitted as a requirement to take the National Final Examination (UAN) and the School Final Examination(UAS) at Malhiktwo School.
As without any help from others, the writers may not be able to complete the report of School Outing Programme, so it is the authors would like to say a thank you so much to all those who have assisted in the preparation of these reports.
Brebes, 20th of August 2012
The Writers
(Nur Halimah and Toipah)
Praise be to God, the Almighty who has blessed the writers continual mercies, so we can finish the paper.
On this occasion, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to:
1.KH. Mukhlas Hasyim, MA as the leader of Malhiktwo School, who has arranged School Outing Programme.
2.Mom. Lulu Khumaeroh and Mrs. Umi Farisyiah as the consultant who has guided and assisted us to finish this report.
3.All of our beloved friends who have helped us for making this report
Finally, any constructive criticism will be highly appreciated to improve this report.
Brebes, 19th of August 2012
The Writers
(Nur Halimah and Toipah)
Motto :
üWhere there is a will, there is a way
üExperience is the best teacher
üPractice makes perfect
üLet’s gone be by gone
üLove study is better than study love
üWish on star, reach me of sky
üA champion is someone who gets up even when they can’t
üSolidarity is better than everything
üThe best from us, the best for all
üDo the best and be the best!
This report is especially dedicated to:
ØOur beloved teacher
ØOur beloved Mom and Dad
ØOur beloved brothers and sisters, and
ØOur beloved friends