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Permasalahan Kemiskinan di Indonesia Serta Solusinya

30 Juni 2024   14:37 Diperbarui: 30 Juni 2024   14:38 108 0
Ischaq Lazuardi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Bhayangkara

Poverty in Indonesia is a significant issue that requires effective solutions. Poverty is defined as limited access to resources and opportunities, influenced by various factors such as rapid population growth, high unemployment rates, low education levels, natural disasters, income distribution inequality, and other socio-economic factors. The Indonesian government has implemented several poverty alleviation programs, including the Family Hope Program (PKH), which provides assistance to underprivileged families to meet basic needs such as education, health, and nutrition. The Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) program enhances access to quality healthcare for the poor at affordable or no cost. Additionally, the School Operational Assistance Program (BOS) and the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) help students from low-income families access quality education. Economic empowerment through MSME programs is also a key strategy in reducing poverty by providing business capital assistance, skill training, and broader market reach. Strengthening the agricultural sector with assistance programs for farmers, infrastructure development, and market access improvement is another important focus. Poverty alleviation efforts require a holistic approach involving all related sectors and active community participation. Synergy among various sectors is crucial to address the complex structural challenges in society. Evaluating the success of implemented programs is also essential to ensure a significant impact in reducing poverty levels. In conclusion, with inter-sectoral cooperation and active community participation, poverty alleviation in Indonesia can achieve significant results in improving the welfare of all citizens.
Keywords: Poverty, Government Programs, Welfare

Kemiskinan di Indonesia merupakan permasalahan signifikan yang memerlukan solusi efektif. Kemiskinan didefinisikan sebagai keterbatasan akses terhadap sumber daya dan peluang, serta dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor seperti pertumbuhan penduduk yang cepat, pengangguran tinggi, pendidikan rendah, bencana alam, ketidakadilan distribusi pendapatan, dan faktor sosial-ekonomi lainnya. 


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