A temporary endeavor to create a unique product or service...(PMI , 2000 )
By combining with the definition given by British Standards Institution I (Irfan Harson) define it for my own as A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service within defined schedule, cost and performance parameter (in simple word performance parameters are quality).
The keyword for a project is temporary, Unique product/service, defined schedule, defined cost and standarded quality.
Management for me is simple " way to make something succesfully". Manage is identic to plan, organize, monitor, control and motivate( this is the critical role of a leader in management).
Some practioners use programme management and project management interchangably since they think it has te same meaning. For me there are term differencies between these world. Programme usually use for a unique continues task that has a broad goal(not specific). In the programe sometime we find a project. For example a poverty reduction programme include many project like displacement people (transmigration) from a poor place.
When planning a project some question should be asked to the stake holder(sponsor, end user and technical expert).
- What need to be achieved?
- How it will be done
- What will be the order cost
Everyone may give different answer and the project management team should combine it to a mission statement that can be accepted and aggreed by the stakeholder.
Organizing is a task that always exist alang the project. From the planning to the end. A project management team should organize people, resource andsupport material well to achieve the project goal.
When planning a project make sure that everyone know:
- Their role in the project
- Their responsibilities
- Who to report to
Controlling and Monitoring
Conrolling and monitoring is critical to the project since it has a limited time, specific quality and limited cost to complete the job. Some change sometime should be taken during the execution phase. Although contingencies plan has been made in the planning phase, it sometime cannot be submitted and understood by the executor.
PMI, 2000, Guide to the Project Management Institute, Upper Darby, PA