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i have a heart

24 November 2010   08:20 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   11:20 22 0
Gossip has become a trend and habits of life today.

But many people do not realize that sometimes the gossip is already exceeded reasonable limits and negatively impact a person's life.

I Have a Heart to support our fellow human beings that should be gossiping within reasonable limits, and does not lead to slander and evil that can destroy a person's life, because of spreading malicious gossip is no different than criminals who deserve to be imprisoned.

Life is short, we should look inward focus in each of us to provide the best in this life, rather than spend the time to spread malicious gossip which would only give bad karma of this life.

I Have a Heart is a symbol for our fellow human beings to use a good conscience in this life, treating others as how we want to be treated by others. Using our conscience in accordance with the teachings of our religion and beliefs.

Thank you.


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