Mohon tunggu...


24 Maret 2011   02:21 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   07:30 50 0
When I received my first computer, you were the one I first adored. With the slender figure like a goddess walking in the garden of heavens, you are ever envied by the suspicious look of the hunchback in the corner of the garden, admired by others sitting near the pond or just standing there open-mouthed to your gracefullness and whorshipped from the rest anticipating to hear your wisdom.

Yes, wisdom. If ever a vague concept like Tao were embodied, you are the perfect ambassador for it. Your solemness put meaning into things enabling them to pause for a breathe of life that livens and unites like 'D','N','A', strengthens like 'E', 'T', 'H' and many other countless creations out of your nothingness.

Yes, like a fighter drawing slightly and digging into earth ready to expel hefty punches, you make everything stop for awhile just to come back full force, pouring every might and power words could have.

Without you worldwillfallintochaos, manywillmisunderstoodeachother, humanity would not survive until its present day. From lifting up of a hand, to a soft tapping sound, you put music into my world and quietness to appreciate it even more.

You, my holy spacebar key.


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