- Meditation
Stretch the muscles of the body for a while, then let it relax. Try to sit down, close your eyes, and concentrate on breathing only. Stay for 5-10 minutes of meditation could also help you to prepare your mind to do the best job. Coba duduk diam, tutup mata dan konsentrasi pada pernapasan saja. Dalam waktu 5-10 menit, kolega sekalian akan siap untuk melakukan pekerjaan dengan sebaik-baiknya. :)
- Breathe in
Inhale through your nose and bring air into the lungs. The more oxygen into the bloodstream and the brain, the more brain will improve its performance. Breath in also makes you more relaxed and think clearly. So, ambil napas yang dalam, hembuskan perlahan (lewat mulut loh...) dan rasakan aliran oksigen dalam darahmu, menenangkan otak.
- Singing
When stuck in traffic jam and you're alone in the car, just try singing. This is the easiest way to train your right brain so you are more effective in solving problems. Jakarta kan sering macet tuh (menurut berita-berita), nah kalo lagi strees ga jalan-jalan, coba putarin musik favoritmu dan ikut bernyanyi. (Car user only)
- Writing
It tells the memory how to remember the most important things so you could easily "take" it back in the next days. This activity is also clear your mind, improve analytical capabilities and exercise your creativity. Writing will help drain the oxygenated blood to the brain related for memory. Your handwriting could be in the form of journal, diaries, stories, poems, in particular books, or by creating a blog (it's fun). Saya yakin anda pasti mengerti maksudnya. Pokoknya, menulis diary, journal, puisi ataupun menulis di blog, terserah kolega sekalian.
- Laughing
Endorphins are released when you laugh, and this can reduce levels of stress. And of course this activity will keep your brain in good health. That Conditions are then make you tend to be more open-minded to accept and create ideas. Tertawalah, tertawalah...
- Play
Fun with the game itself will stimulate the brain, creating new connections and new cells were unfolding everywhere. The recommended games for your brain are intellectual games that involves hand and eye coordination. A study revealed that card games, like solitaire and any others may help delay dementia. Patut di coba kan?
- Set the temperature
Many people may think productive at a certain temperature. Too cold or too hot can interfere and disturb your concentration. Make sure that the temperature is conducive for you. Buatlah suhu dan suasananya senyaman mungkin.
- Learn new language
Learn a new language can hamper brain function associated with age. This activity will introduce to the brain about the new concepts and new perspectives. Sudah berapa bahasa kah yang kolega kuasai?
- Reading
Read quickly a passage or articles means more and more information is absorbed in less time. It also sports a very good brain.
- Friends of imaginary
Have a conversation with  character in your mind and get advice from them, could be a way to lure information from your subconscious mind. Imagine you are discussing with people who have much knowledge as you need, such as Bill Gates or Stephen Hawking. (Asal jangan teman sepermainan aja)