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Alert! Facebook Starts to Legally Prey on Your Children

4 Juni 2014   18:17 Diperbarui: 26 Mei 2019   21:02 61 3

How desperate Facebook is today. Since its decline of by the end of 2013. The deliberate act of signing of for good by users will reach 80% by the end of 2015. It would leave an empty and hollow site as Friendster had (see further on my article Like Friendster, Will We Say Goodbye to Facebook?). 

And it seems that Facebook are alert of such decline. They now are declaring to suck in children under 13 years old to open a Facebook account. 

Children are being prey to the monstrosity of being social in the internet. And by far has confined children in a world called 'social'. Where children are actually alienated in Facebook. 

Facebook is fastening its pace to lure children to open an account 'legally'. And on Thursday (June 29, 2014) a Facebook spokesperson said they had filed a patent of application that allowed children to open an account behalf of parents' consent. 

Though it triggers public dissent. The application had been filed in US Patent Office. And the file had been registered since November 2012. It is explained that the application will allow a strict supervision from children's parents. 

Their children's account in Facebook thus is being watched and scrutinized on daily basis. And their parents will be advice directly by Facebook if anything goes 'wrong'.


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