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Internationalization of the Papuan Issue Has Entered the UN Forum

1 Oktober 2013   09:42 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   07:09 1137 6
[caption id="attachment_269373" align="aligncenter" width="440" caption="UN Headquarter at New York (Photo:"][/caption]

As was expected, the group of Papuan independence supporters really take advantage of the UN General Assembly forum which is being held at UN Headquarters in New York this week. They use the momentum of the forum with the aim to internationalize the issue of Papua. Although the forum was specifically held to discuss the Syrian crisis issue.

A figure used by those Papuan independence supporters in expressing their opinion is the Prime Minister of Vanuatu, Moana Karkas Kalosil, who had long known to be one of the supporter for the Papuan separatist movement abroad.

Kalosil speech at the UN General Assembly forum is very similar to the smear campaign that had previously been performed by Benny Wenda, who delivered an allegations without any proof that the Indonesian government has committed genocide in West Papua.

The speech he made also could be said almost identical with the statement made by two Papuan local church leaders, Reverend Socratez Sofyan Yoman and Reverend Beny Giay, who asked the UN to send a special envoy to Papua to monitor human rights violations in the Papua region.

Let us take a closer look at the statement made by Kalosil in the UN General Assembly, as it was released by the Australian Radio website ( below:

"How can we ignore hundreds and thousands of people of West Papua who had been brutalized and murdered? ..."

In his speech, Kalosil asked for the UN to appoint a Special Representative to investigate allegations of human rights violation occured in Papua. The big question is, is it true that there are thousands of West Papuans being killed? If there is, whether Kalosil can prove these allegation he made?

This is a very unfortunate thing for a Prime Minister from a respected country to stood in front of a UN official forum just to make an unproven statement that came from a small group of misguided people. It would be more dignified for Kalosil, before stating his alegations, that he should first visit Papua to see for himselves about the real situation of human rights in Papua.

Since the end of June 2013, the Indonesian government has publicly expressed an official invitation in Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) forum in Noumea, New Caledonia, which is intended to invite all MGS contries member to send each of their delegation to monitor closely the human rights situation in Papua. But unfortunately, until now there has been no recent news about this visit plan.

What's the difference between Kalosil allegations in his capacity as a PM with accusations made by former Interpol fugitive Benny Wenda? If it makes no difference, it should be assumed that the United Nations would give the same appreciation for those two "same"allegations, which is a nonsense allegations that goes to the UN thrash can.

Jalan Braga Bandung, Ketika Bebas Kendaraan!

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