Saturday, May 20, 2023, AIESEC University of Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) held a national webinar
 Impact Circle 6.0 with the theme
"Create A Prosperous Life: The Art of Planning and Entrepreneurship to Rocket Your Finance" through  the Zoom Meeting platform  . Impact Circle 6.0 focuses on SDG no 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), where the goal is to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, productive and comprehensive employment opportunities, and decent work for all. In other words, this webinar discusses financial independence, which is relevant to today's life.  Financial independence itself is a condition when we can have stable and reliable finances to survive and not worry about all expenses, even sudden ones. In line with this, AIESEC at UMM held a webinar with the theme of financial freedom, with the hope that young people can be more financially  literate.