On planet Earth in 1988, young Peter Quill sits in the waiting room of a hospital, listening with headphones to "Awesome Mix Tape no. 1" on his Walkman. His grandpa comes out and gets him so he can say goodbye to his mom, who is dying of cancer. His mom gives him a present and tells him his father was an angel and that Peter is just like him. She asks for his hand, but he's too scared to take it. Just then, she dies. The distraught Peter runs outside and is abducted by a spaceship. (imdb)
Twenty-six years later on the planet Morag, an adult Peter Quill, a.k.a. Star-lord, is searching for a mysterious Orb whilst listening to Awesome Mix Tape no. 1. He finds the Orb and takes it out of a laser enclosure. Almost immediately, Korath, and his henchmen find Peter. After a shootout, Peter makes it to his ship, the Milano, and escapes. (imdb)