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Earth's Turning Into an Oven!

1 Desember 2023   07:54 Diperbarui: 1 Desember 2023   08:04 132 9
Did you notice that the temperature outdoors is getting hotter and hotter each day? One day it was all sunny, and you were awaiting nothing but the temperature to stay the same. The coming thing you know, the temperature keeps rising time by time. In Indonesia, the temperature in the times before 2023 were much lower. The periodic mean temperature in Indonesia was 26.38 C in 2020. It shows an increase of 0.79 C in comparison with the temperature in 1901. The current average minimal temperature in a many metropolises in Indonesia is 22.8 C, with a outside of 30.2 C. This is not only passing in Indonesia, but other countries as well.

This is what we call global warming- or should I say, global boiling. Global warming started numerous times agone. We call it global boiling because it's just getting worse throughout the times. Have you ever wondered why this is passing?

1. Releasing energy 

Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil energies similar as oil painting, coal and natural gas is one of the main causes of global warming. utmost electricity is still generated from fossil energies. Only about a many were generated from wind, solar power and other renewable sources. 

2. Cutting down timbers 

Deforestation for agrarian or beast land causes emigrations. When cut, trees release the carbon they've stored. On the other hand, timbers absorb carbondioxide. However, nature's capability to cover the atmosphere from emigrations is also reduced, If timbers are destroyed.  

Do you know what's keeping the earth's temperature warm? The greenhouse effect. The gases of a greenhouse act similarly to the glass in a greenhouse. The gases absorb the sun's heat that radiates from the Earth's surface, trap it in the atmosphere and prevent it from releasing into space. Usually, greenhouse gasses occur naturally in the atmosphere, but human activities contribute to the accumulation of theirs. What happens is that the greenhouse effect is boosted, and it disturbs our climate.

Greenhouse gases


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