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Adapting to climate change in health sector in Asia and Pacific Region: Learning from TWG Climate Change & Health in Jakarta, December 2013

19 Desember 2013   23:11 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   03:43 66 0

“We sincerely thanks to the Republic of Indonesia particularly to Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Health for hosting this wonderful event so that we all able to meet here to discuss about the linkage of climate change adaptation and health sectors.” Said Mr. Nasir Hasan, the team leader for environmental health at WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific, during the closing ceremony of a Thematic Working Group on Climate Change and Health meeting that just took place from 9-12 December 2013 at JW Marriott Hotel, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Yes, I have to agree with him that the event was professionally organized that allowed all delegates to get involved in cross country learning discussions in particular about putting health issues into the framework of adapting to climate change.


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