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Internship as A Photographer at The Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung as A Place to Express Interests and Talents

6 September 2024   20:48 Diperbarui: 6 September 2024   20:53 91 0
Photography, I guess it is not such uncommon thing in our ears. I bet it is such things that a lot of people have already known and heared of it. So have I, I have been knowing about the terms 'photography' for ages to be exact since I'm fond of capturing a lot of moments that happen in my life, specificly memorable moments with a camera. What is actually photography? I will let you know. So the photography is the art of capturing light and also creating images by using camera. For your information, photography can be done electronically by using an image sensor or chemically using light sensitive material like photographic film.


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