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The Corelation Among Law, Governance, Education, Economics, and International Relations with Islam

15 Juni 2024   18:59 Diperbarui: 15 Juni 2024   19:32 77 0
Islamic political culture refers to the interaction between Islamic principles and political practices and policies in predominantly Muslim societies. The concept involves how Islamic values, traditions, and norms influence and shape political dynamics and public policies. The political influence of Islamic culture can be seen in various aspects such as law, governance, education, economics, and international relations.
In many Muslim-majority countries, sharia or Islamic law plays an important role in the legal system and governance. The implementation of sharia can vary significantly between countries; in some countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, sharia forms the basis of the legal system entirely, forming the foundation of all regulations and laws. In others, such as Indonesia and Malaysia, sharia serves as one of the many sources of law used, alongside secular and customary law.


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