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Price Tag

19 Juli 2011   08:25 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   03:33 67 0
Why is everybody so obsessed?
Money can’t buy us happiness
Can we all slow down and enjoy right now
Guarantee we’ll be feelin’ alright

(Price Tag by Jessie J)

The capitalism world demands us to have a dream. Big ones dream such as being rich and successful. And many of us becomes economical creature that measuring matters in value. Economical values, exactly. Success is mean have a lot of money, ride luxury cars, or dinning in the fancy restaurants or lives in suite and condos.

The world becomes the material world. Not the essential life. Many false values added in your life. What car you drive? What wine you drink? What gadget you have? And then people start to judges you with “Do you wear Prada?” or “How Hermes are you?” Trying their best, many of us trapped into desperations hard works, over time, struggling for salary, and side-jobber. In the short lines, 24/7 is not enough to get the better life.

To loosen their stress, many of us, are going to the club. They do the happy hours. Their motto is “work hard, play hard.” For some reasons, they say “Enjoy my life.” For the results, they have equivalent in income and spending, neither gets in debts. Nothing wrong from that because that their life. C’est la vie.

Actually, life is very short from the first cry until the shut of pairs of eye. I’m not a pessimistic one. I do my job to fulfill my needs. In my opinion, to loosen the stress is to get tight in hopes. And we know that God is only true hope. All people who believe in God agree that all in the world is under control of God himself. Wellness, like a birth and death is in His hand too.

From the beginning since the universe is none, there is God alone. So God himself is the source of everything. Before the world begins, before the world becomes so crowd and makes us such a rich-hunter machine. Being aware that our life now is an artificial life, we don’t need any Ferrari.

Happiness is not in what we have today. The true happiness is when we realize that our life is means something to somebody. Because God made this universe is not for Himself, but for living things beneath.

So, who need a price tag since God made all in free and easy?


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