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23 September 2010   04:51 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   13:02 747 1
. . tersentakku . . bathin ini serasa meronta . . ada serakan pinta yang tiada mampu kubendung di setiap sel raga ini entah mengapa . . entah apa pula yang bakal terjadi lagi . . . . desakan ini menyeruak kuat di sisi terdalam sukma ini . . oo . . . . sukma ini minta segera kuayunkan ritual keramatnya . . . . tetapi . . mana mungkin . . larangan itu masih mungkin diberlakukan . . sejak masa kecil Ibunda jelang tujuh puluh an tahun silam . . agar sang identitas tetap terkubur dalam . . . . . . . . bahkan bisa juga hingga masaku kini . . meski akhirnya sukmaku telah dihantar simpuh ke sana oleh arus tiada terkendalikan sejak tiga tahun lalu . . . . . . o . . bagaimana bisa, ini. . . sukmaku inginkanku menarikannya segera: bedhaya.. [caption id="attachment_266297" align="aligncenter" width="173" caption=""][/caption] . . detik ini juga. -OOOO- [] Tari Bedhaya. Ritual yang disakralkan sejak para Eyang Leluhurku, Dee.. Maafkan aku.. tiada mampu kuurai lugas dengan deret pilihan kataku sendiri. [] ..berikut ini, di sela upload beberapa photo terkait, semua yang tercetak miring ku-copy paste utuh dari Wikipedia: The bedhaya (also written as bedoyo, beḍaya, and various other transliterations) is a sacred ritualized dance of Java, Indonesia, associated with the royal palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta. Along with the serimpi, the bedhaya epitomized the elegant (alus) character of the royal court, and the dance became an important symbol of the ruler's power. [caption id="attachment_266337" align="alignleft" width="262" caption=""][/caption] History Some kind of female dance known as bedhaya existed on Java at least as early as the Majapahit Empire.[2] Indeed, some of the steps of the modern dance are said to be as old as the third century.[3] However, the modern form is traditionally dated to the court of Sultan Agung of Mataram (reigned 1613–1645). Unfortunately there is almost no historical evidence to back up the claims made about the advances in the arts in Sultan Agung's courts, and the existence of the dance is not clearly documented until the late 18th century.[4] [caption id="attachment_266406" align="aligncenter" width="328" caption=""][/caption] There are many myths which explain the origin of the dance, which generally have either an account of a meeting with an Indic dieity (Shiva, Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, or the Buddha), or the meeting of Kangjeng Ratu Kidul, the Goddess of the South Sea, meeting with a founder of the Mataram dynasty, either Sultan Ageng or his grandfather, Senapati. In the former, the nine dancers were the creation of a deity, who were brought to life, and offered the dance to their maker in gratitude. In the latter, the dance was created when Kangjeng Ratu Kidul fell in love with the sultan, and danced the bedhaya for him; the nine dancers in the modern dance represent the spirit of the goddess.[5] [caption id="attachment_266341" align="aligncenter" width="320" caption=""][/caption] Since the decline in the power of the royal courts, other, more accessible forms of bedhaya have become popular, not as religious ritual, but as artistic performance. These do not require the royal presence, and may be performed on stage for an admission fee. They frequently recount stories used in wayang.[6]



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