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The Thoughts of Muhammad Abduh and Muhammad Iqbal (Philoshopy 11)

21 Desember 2019   13:23 Diperbarui: 21 Desember 2019   13:27 4 0
MThe thoughts of Muhammad Abduh

a. Position of Reason and function of revelation
Muhammad Abduh argued that the way to know God was not through revelation but with reason. With the power of reason that exists in humans, humans try to know about the existence of God. The knowledge that has been obtained by reason is then strengthened by the revelation to humanity through the intermediaries of Allah's messengers, the Prophets and Apostles. Meanwhile, the function of revelation according to Muhammad Abduh is to give confidence to humans that the soul will continue to live after the physical body is destroyed, help the mind to know the state of human life in the hereafter and provide guidance on how to give thanks to the procedure of worship.


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