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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

Navigating the Role of Social Media in Addressing Hoaxes and Protecting Free Speech in Indonesia

6 Mei 2023   17:46 Diperbarui: 6 Mei 2023   17:48 41 2
Social media is still being used to spread hoaxes in Indonesia, and this is a serious issue. Although there have been efforts to tighten regulations and crack down on the spread of hoaxes on social media, many contents are still slipping through the cracks. Some parties are still using social media for certain political interests, which can trigger social conflict. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the awareness of Indonesian society about the importance of verifying information before sharing it on social media. In addition, efforts are needed from all parties to address the problem of hoaxes on social media, including through education and campaigns about the importance of facts and truth in communicating on social media. Thus, it is hoped that social media can become a positive and beneficial tool for the Indonesian society. 


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