Setelah menjadi tajuk berita utama dalam beberapa bulan ini, dan setelah para analis market mengatakan bahwa krisis Eropa tidak bisa dibendung, European Central Bank (ECB) tampaknya berhasil untuk menghentikan krisis eropa untuk sementara. Yang pertama adalah, penurunan suku bunga sebanyak 25 basis poin. Namun yang lebih penting adalah adanya Long Term Refinancing Operations (LTRO’s) yang memberikan pinjaman bunga ringan bagi bank-bank di Eropa yang bermasalah dengan jumlah yang besar ($645 billion). Seperti yang diberitakan Bloomberg,
“The Frankfurt-based ECB awarded 489 billion euros ($645 billion) in 1,134-day loans, the most ever in a single operation and more than economists’ median estimate of 293 billion euros in a Bloomberg News survey. The ECB said 523 banks asked for the funds, which will be lent at the average of its benchmark rate – currently 1 percent – over the period of the loans. They start tomorrow. “It was obviously an offer the banks could not refuse,” said Laurent Fransolet, head of fixed income strategy at Barclays Capital in London. “It shows the ECB is not out of ammunition and it gives banks security on liquidity for a few years. On the other hand it means banks will rely on the ECB for longer.”