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Customer Experience: What World are We in?

2 Maret 2012   10:22 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   08:37 85 0

Just a question yourself now, if you do you familiar with starbuck; an international coffee shop chain based in the United States? If yes, then you must be ever been to visit to. What did you do there ? drinking nice and good coffee ? or it’s a meeting point with your friends or colleagues? Or even just have a chit chat ? What did you experience it there? Good quality coffe? from the best source in the world? Some of my friends, do not like starbuck caffee. It is just an ordinary coffee. They are selling experience, because we are living in experience world today.

Now it is not only about your brand that sells, it is not about only your product quality, It is not about service delivery, now it is about experience at the whole package, from purchase until it delivered to your hands. I had experience once with an international magazine published in Indonesia name f**b** Indonesia. What I can say, the product does good, at the first time as subscriber I was fine in terms of value for money, but later I realized their delivery not as good as the brand name of the magazine itself. It never delivered properly to my premises. Even after complaint. Almost a year later, they were asking about my renewal the magazine, then I said your magazine never properly delivered to me, and why should I renew the subscription, And suddenly the magazine just delivered and dropped into my premises. Well such a “great” service recovery, only sorry. In the business usually looking for a constant and consistent of business and growing, constant and consistent business normally to secure volume and cash flow, then the profit will goes for growth. It is not limited to magazine business, the more you have the subscriber, the more sustain is your business, because you know how many pieces you need to print and distribute. The essence is not only the product, but total purchasing experience. From placing the subscription until it delivered to your door. What do you think? Should I continue the subscription?

Happy Friday friend, and enjoy the weekend


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