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Obstacles and Challenges in Achieving Diplomatic Agreements in IORA: India's Interests in IORA

20 Januari 2024   00:13 Diperbarui: 23 Januari 2024   21:55 128 1
Obstacles and challenges in reaching diplomatic agreements in IORA (Indian Ocean Rim Association) become critical aspects when involving India's interests in this organization. Through its participation in IORA, India has the primary objective of strengthening partnerships with countries around the Indian Ocean. However, these efforts are faced with a number of obstacles that can slow down or even hinder the achievement of these goals. One of the main obstacles is the divergent views and interests among IORA members. Each country has its own priorities and agendas, which can hinder the decision-making process and the achievement of a common agreement. Achieving consensus in this forum is therefore a complex challenge. Moreover, in facilitating economic growth through IORA, India is faced with the challenge of resource management and equitable benefit sharing among the members of the organization. Inequalities in levels of economic development and differences in national interests can complicate efforts to reach agreements that benefit all parties.


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