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Beyond Imagination

4 Desember 2012   09:34 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   20:12 68 0
Idea is a point of view, concept or mental impression. Sometimes a person can express such idea beyond of people imagination. At this point, resistances my occur against the new idea. For example, Socrates idea of democracy led him to a death sentence in fourth century BC. People need many centuries to learn and then realize his wisdom. It always happened that people little bit late to aware of a brilliant idea which is beyond their imagination. Eventually, when they can catch the idea they only say "yeah, he/she was right," but he/she might have passed away in a tragical way or suffered a misery.

Concerning situation in Indonesia right now, people are wondering of nations leader succession in 2014.  Some well known figures are being highlighted for the next President. Most of them have a good reputation not only in leadership but in his/her personality as well.


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